Please consider helping us with a donation.

Project Mishoon is an underwater archaeological project of the Hassanamisco Nipmuc Band. Donations are tax-deductible and may be eligible for matching funds from donors' employers (ask your employer).  

All funds received go directly to Project Mishoon. 100% of your donation will help fund the excavation and conservation of the dugouts, as well as a future educational facility for all ages that will spotlight these treasures.  This project is funded completely by private donations & small grants.  Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your generosity!
Project Mishoon Contact Information
Project Mishoon
Cheryl Stedtler, Director
225 Mill Valley Rd
Belchertown MA 01007

225 Mill Valley Rd

Belchertown, MA 01007 

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Your personal check is welcome and appreciated. Please make out your check to "NIDC Project Mishoon" and mail it to the address below.


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This page was last updated on: 1/26/2023
Project Mishoon

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